
Exploring Europe Part I: Dusseldorf and Cologne

Wow, it's been quite some time since I've posted anything whatsoever on here! Really I don't have an explanation as to why I went on hiatus, I just missed posting a few times (even though I had things to post! I'm such a procrastinator sometimes even I can't stand it) and the absence just kept going and going... 

The absence kind of started when I took my big trip to Europe in July; you think I would be really quick to post my photos from this adventure but alas my computer did not like me posting them. It seems as if my laptop has run completely out of memory and likes to shut down due to the lack of disk space it has. I went out and bought an external hard drive to try and help and it did somewhat, but I'm still having troubles. I think this is a sign I need to upgrade, I'm thinking an iMac this time :)

Anywho, lately I've been really inspired by my friends and reading about female entrepreneurs and their passion for their work and hobbies. It made me think about this blog and how much I enjoy the time I spend editing photos (albeit poorly, iPhoto editing for this gal), coming up with new ideas for how to put items of clothing for an interesting new look, and how having a creative outlet makes me feel happy and forget the stresses of work for a short time.

All in all, what I guess I'm trying to say is hopefully you will be seeing more consistent posts from me from now on :)

Happy Saturday!

P.S. More pics from Milan, Lake Como, Venice, Paris, and London headed your way soon! :)